Tuesday, October 9, 2007


"i was afraid of it at 1st.Afraid it might destroy the impulses that made me creative,an artist.A sensitive person receives 50 impressions when somebody else may only get seven.Sensitive people are so vulnerable;the more sensitive you are , the more certain you are to be brutalised,develop scabs.Never evolve.Never allow yourself to feel anything , because you always feel too much"M.B.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

qualquer semelhança com a realidade é pura coincidencia.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

sonha comigo!

photo by David la Chapelle

homage a ti.


"To be a dog woman is not necessarily to be downtrodden; that has very little to do with it. In these pictures every woman's a dog woman, not downtrodden, but powerful. To be bestial is good. It's physical. Eating, snarling, all activities to do with sensation are positive. To picture a woman as a dog is utterly believable."paula rego